2015 Family Survey
100% of parents/carers of children in all years (N, R, Y1, Y2) agreed or strongly agreed that:
Their children like school;
Their children are making good progress;
Children behave well;
Their children feel safe at school;
Teaching is good;
The school is led and managed well;
Staff encourage their children to become mature and independent;
There is a good range of activities that their children finds interesting and enjoyable;
The arrangements for helping their children settle in when they started at the school were good.
2. All said they would recommend the school to other parents.
3. 90% or more of parents/carers of children in all years (N, R, Y1, Y2) agreed or strongly agreed that:
Their children are not bullied or harassed at school;
They feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions, or a problem, or complaints;
Staff treat their children fairly;
The school seeks the view of parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns;
Staff explain how parents/carers can help their children at home;
They are kept well informed about what events and activities are happening at school.
4. Respondents reported the following as amongst the main strengths of the school:
Good leadership;
Keeping parents informed;
Good relationships between parents and staff;
Developing children's social, emotional and independence skills;
Warm and welcoming to both children and parents (lovely smiley staff);
Good communication with parents;
Variety of themed activities for pupils;
Involving parents and other family members in school life - stay and play, texts, fayres, newsletters.
5. When asked for the one thing that they would wish to see improved in school, responses included:
A little more building of academic skills and interests in nursery where appropriate for children;
Improved car parking facilities;
More joint working with other schools - especially Halfway Junior School;
More online practice materials for children;
Differentiated homework - or challenge packs in preparation for SATS;
More after school clubs/extra curricula activities at a lower, more affordable prices;
Guide for new parents on e.g. where to wait, what to expect when helping in school;
More flexible meeting times for full time working parents;
More structured learning.