Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our SEND team:
Our Special Education Needs Coordinator:
Jo Lomas
She can be reached via main reception
Her tel. no is 0114 2482360

Jo Lomas SENCO

James Rolstone SEND governor
Our Vision for SEND at Halfway Infants
Our overall aim is to ensure that quality first teaching is the most effective tool in accelerating the progress of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities(SEND). We want to ensure that our staff have a high level of expertise in matching provision to children’s needs and that teachers take ownership of provision for their SEND children, alongside the accountability for the progress of these children. We do this by:
Having an ‘in school’ Inclusion Leader/SENCO who has strategic overview of SEND provision and achievement across the school, including in class provision and targeted interventions. This also includes the role of Pupil Premium Champion.
Ensuring SEND is a school improvement priority and focussed performance management target for all staff.
Increasing teacher accountability for the day to day provision and progress of their SEND children through:
Ownership and analysis of pupil data
Taking a lead role in Pupil Progress Meetings (providing data, analysis and identified target groups / individuals) and inviting Teaching Assistants along to these meetings to provide their insight.
Taking a lead role in improving ‘in class’ provision /practice for SEND children following termly pupil progress meetings, through the construction of a termly targeted action plan.
Management of additional resources (Teaching Assistants) and their timetables to ensure consistency for children in receipt of additional support.
Ownership of own class provision mapping to allow for increased flexibility/adaptation.
Ownership of children’s Individual Targets
Carefully selecting systematic interventions, delivered by highly trained and skilled teachers and senior Level 3 Teaching Assistants to accelerate progress of our most vulnerable SEND children.
Using an ‘exceptional needs’ Early Years Practitioner to provide tailored SALT and NHS approved speech and language programmes such as NIP, VIP and LEAP throughout school for our most vulnerable SEND children.
The procurement of a bespoke package of learning support and consultation from the Westfield Family of Schools to provide specific support for children with exceptional SEND, and tailored staff Continuous Professional Development.
Accessing specialist support from learning partners e.g. AfA Ambassador and AfA coach.
Involving parents/carers in all decisions made about their child’s education (including the provision made, targets set, interventions accessed etc.)
Involving children in all decisions made about their education (including the provision made, targets set, interventions accessed etc.) and the construction of a one page profile for every child and 'My Plan' where appropriate.
Complaints procedure regarding concerns/complaints around children with SEND
This procedure to be followed regarding concerns/complaints around the level of support the school provides to children with SEND is basically the same as the process for addressing other complaints (as set out in our Complaints Policy). However, in the case of complaints relating to the provision for children with SEND, the SENDCo may also be involved in the procedure at an informal stage to help resolve the matter as quickly as possible. In all other ways, the process is identical.
Arrangements for the admission for disabled pupils
Sheffield SEN & Disability Information Advice and Support (SSENDIAS) provides impartial, confidential information, advice & support to parents/carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities on a range of topics including; SEN/disability specific information, education, SEN statutory processes, available services, disability related benefits, grants and funding.
They offer support to parents of children and young people (aged 0-25) with any level or kind of difficulty or disability, from mild to multiple, severe conditions. They operate across the city and only take referrals from parents/carers. For more information on the arrangements for the admission for disabled pupils please see the following information -
You can also contact the SEND Team at:
Tel: 0114 2736394
Email: sendassess&review@sheffield.gov.uk
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