Involving parents/carers
Helping in School
We are always pleased to have parents helping in school and there is a wide range of activities in which they can participate - for example, helping with Maths and Literacy activities, cooking with a small group, helping with craft work, reading stories to groups of children, working with the computer etc, All parents are invited to join in these activities and any offers by parents to share a particular skill with the children in school are most welcome.
Parent Workshops
The school likes to involve parents in the education and teaching of their child, Throughout the year parents are invited to take part in Workshops with their child in school. Parent Workshops provide the opportunity for parents to work with their own children in school at a number of activities. Most parents thoroughly enjoy these sessions and feel they help them to have a better understanding of their child's education. Parents will be given more information just before the Workshops start.
Parents and Reading
Parents are also encouraged to participate in their child's reading and maths development. Children take books home to share with their parents. Parents help to monitor their child's reading development in a Reading Diary which is used from Reception year onwards, with the teacher and child in the classroom. Parents can also access family learning courses and Reading Volunteer training to help out with reading in school. Tips can be downloaded on helping your child with reading, maths and spelling/punctuation/grammar (SPAG).
Parent Information
Parents Evenings are held every term for parents to discuss their child's progress. Further opportunities are available throughout the year for parents to have informal talks with teachers regarding their child's development.
Parent Welcome Meetings
These are held at the start of each year and are a good opportunity for parents and carers to meet their child's new class teacher and find out about life in that year group.
Parents' Forum
We meet informally (usually with lots of refreshments!) each half term to discuss issues in school. These can be strengths of the school or areas for development. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. It is a great opportunity to have a say in the running of the school and be involved in the 'big' decisions our school makes to improve the education it offers our children.
Classes in Action
Every year we also invite parents in to school to experience a day in the life of their child. Parents visit school and take part in phonics, literacy and numeracy lessons alongside their child and observe how we teach these lessons in school.
Learn Share Mornings
Every morning parents are welcome to come into school and into their child’s class. On Friday mornings we have ‘LearnShare’ time which is when parents are free to look through their child’s books/learning for that week, talk about next steps with their children and practise any targets that children have been given.
Friends of Halfway Infants Group
This is a support group (or PTA), made up of parents and staff, which usually meets once each half term on a Tuesday or a Thursday evening in the Staff Room. The meetings are friendly and informal and they are open to all parents and staff.
The group meets to plan and organise fundraising events such as the school discos, Christmas events and other social events, as well as to discuss various issues concerned with school. Coming to the meetings does not commit parents to helping or becoming involved if they do not wish. The money raised is used, in consultation with the staff, to provide additional resources and equipment for the children.