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Meet Our Governors

School governors have an important role to play in helping to maintain and develop our children’s education.  There is a heavier workload on governors now than there used to be, but, equally, the importance of a governor’s role is more widely recognised.  The table below gives you a feel for the level of commitment required of governors.


The governing body provides strategic leadership and

accountability in schools.  It has three key functions:

*   Overseeing the financial performance of the school and

making sure its money is well spent

*   Holding the headteacher to account for the educational

performance of the school and its pupils

*   Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction



A Parent Governor will be expected to attend meetings of the Full Governing Body at least once a term.  They will also be expected to join one of the committees of the Governing Body and undergo relevant training courses and visit school throughout the year.

Parent governors will normally serve for a period of four years, unless their circumstances change.


Our governor non-negotiables

If anyone would like more information about what is involved and the commitment required in becoming a School Governor please see our prospectus or contact our Chairs of Governors through the school office.


Governing Body constitution and terms of reference


Governing body constitution

Governing Body Terms of Reference
Steering Committee terms of reference


Our Governing Body can be contacted through the main school contact points - tel 01142482360,email

Attendance Summary 2023-24 to date

Governor Pecuniary Interests and Relationships to Staff Members 2023-24

Diversity of governing body:

100% White British

80%  Female

20%  Male

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