Parent/carer survey results
The parent/carer survey results are in! 48 parents/carers responded to our recent parental survey - please find a summary of your responses below -
* 100% of parents/carers report that their child feels safe at school
* 100% of parents/carers feel that their child is making good progress
* 100% of parents/carers feel that their child is well looked after at school
* 100% of parents/carers agree that their child is taught well
* 96% of parents/carers feel we make sure pupils are well behaved
* 94% of parents/carers feel we deal effectively with bullying
* 98% of parents/carers feel our school is well led and managed
* 98% of parents/carers report that staff respond well to any questions or concerns they have
* 92% of parents/carers feel they receive valuable information from school about their child and their progress
* 100% of parents/carers would recommend our school to another parent/carer
What you loved!
* Class organisation and management
* Children are happy and eager to learn
* Our fantastic staff and children
* The teaching in school and the progress the children make
* After school clubs are 'fantastic' and are “excellent opportunities” to learn new skills for minimal costs
* Superkids after school provision is 'excellent'
* How the school is led and managed incl. leaders knowing your children well and visibility of leadership around school üOur friendly and welcoming ethos
*How we care for the children and, therefore, how the children feel happy and safe
* Communication across school
* Transition into school to help children settle in
* As one parent wrote, 'Halfway Nursery Infants is like a family'
Even better ifs...
*Handwriting support for younger children
*Better use of planners to share more frequently share information around learning, progress and reading etc.
* Ensure reward systems encourage children to make the right decision and become well rounded citizens, rather than for personal gain
* More cohesion with the Junior School
* Homework and handwriting approaches to be more developmental incl. transition to Y3