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2014 Family Survey

57 parental questionnaires were returned.


At least 95% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that:


  • My child likes school.

  • My child is making good progress.

  • Children behave well.

  • My child feels safe at school

  • Teaching is good

  • Staff expect my child to work hard and do his or her best.

  • Staff treat my child fairly.

  • The school seeks the view of parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns.

  • Staff explain how I can help my child at home

  • Staff encourage my child to become mature and independent.

  • There is a good range of activities that my child finds interesting and enjoyable.

  • The arrangements for my son or daughter to settle in when he or she started at the school were good.

  • I am kept well informed about what events and activities are happening at school.


All respondents said they would recommend the school to other parents.



Comments and Options to Improve School

Below are your preferred options.


‘There are sometimes too many events in school and these are difficult to attend when both parents work full-time.’


Parents have chosen to: continue running the same number of events, but make it clearer that other family members can attend in your absence.


‘Dates and times of events change too often, as does whether parents can attend or not.’


Parents have chosen to: continue as we currently are, publishing dates & times early in the year and, if dates and times need to change, inform you through newsletters, texts and the school website.


‘Children elected onto the school council for a full year. This is unfair to other children, as are special treats to Rother Valley. School Council should be per term to allow others a chance to shine.’


Parents have chosen to: continue allowing children to vote for their class’s school councillors, but do this every term instead of every year.


‘We disagree that we are kept well informed about our child’s progress.’


Parents have chosen to: continue as we currently are, holding termly parents evenings (for 10 minutes per meeting), issuing annual reports, holding termly SEN reviews, having an open door policy and continuing Learn Share mornings each Friday (where parents can come in and look at their child’s books).


‘We disagree that our child is not bullied or harassed at school.’


Parents have chosen to: continue as we currently are with an open door policy to discuss concerns and issues of bullying with class teachers and the headteacher.


‘There is too much homework for children of this age to do every week.’


Parents have chosen to: continue as we currently are with our new ‘Homeworms’ homework booklets, home reading and weekly spellings.


‘I am still yet to be convinced about cursive handwriting.’


Parents have chosen to: continue as we are.  Cursive handwriting is always very tricky at first but, with perseverance by the end of Y2, handwriting is really neat and well formed, ready for Junior School.

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