2016 Family Survey
100% of parents/carers agreed or strongly agreed that:
their child likes school;
they feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions, or a problem or a complaint;
staff expect their children to work hard and do their best; and
they are kept well informed about what events and activities are happening at school.
95% of parents/carers agreed or strongly agreed that:
their child is making good progress;
children at the school are well behaved;
their child is not bullied or harassed at school;
their child feels safe at school;
teaching is good;
they are kept well informed about how their child is getting on;
staff treat their child fairly;
the school seeks the view of parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns;
staff explain how parents can help their child at home;
staff encourage their child to become mature and independent;
there is a good range of activities that their child finds interesting and enjoyable; and
the arrangements for their son or daughter to settle in when he or she started at the school were good.
7% parents/carers disagreed that the school provides appropriate homework. 4 (5%) said they were unsure.
All parents/carers said they would recommend the school to other parents
Respondents reported the following as amongst the main strengths of the school:
The school has a strong management team and it clearly filters down. It has a community feel and is constantly improving and being maintained.
The leadership, management and teaching quality. The range of after school clubs is great. The school seems very proactive in terms of looking to improve.
It has an excellent academic attitude together with a wonderfully nurturing philosophy which allows my child to thrive and bond well with others.
Good teaching. My children often come home demonstrating what they have been learning.
HINS is a very close knit school and makes the kids feel welcome and at home. The teachers seem to have adequate learning and teaching abilities.
Very caring, open and lovely Reception class. All staff so welcoming every morning. My child loves school. You are head and shoulders above ……. School in your approach to providing a loving environment for the little people.
Good community environment and enthusiastic staff supporting children.
Involving parents and communicating well. Praise and awards for children in school. Staff have a friendly and approachable nature.
Continuous provision and facilities in nursery – fantastic space.
Great outdoor play facilities. Range of after school clubs. Lots of opportunities for parents/carers to take part in school. Friendly, welcoming staff. Lots of opportunities for positive reinforcement e.g. reading badges, star of the week.
When asked for the one thing that they would wish to see improved in school, responses included:
Better communication for working parents who use breakfast and after school club and who might not see sign-up sheets in classes.
A little more information about after school activities i.e. where to collect and what to wear.
Optional homework linked to the new workbooks on sale at the office. Something similar for Y1 would be beneficial too.