2013 Family Survey
Infant School
All respondents agreed or strongly agreed that:
their children like school
their children feel safe at school
staff expect their children to work hard and do their best
the school is led and managed well
staff treat their children fairly
staff explain how parents/carers can help their children at home
staff encourage their children to become mature and independent
the arrangements for their children to settle in when they started at the school were good
they were kept well informed about what events and activities are happening at school.
All respondents said they would recommend the school to other parents.
At least 95% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that:
their children are making good progress
children behave well
children are not bullied or harassed at school
they feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or problems or complaints
there is a good range of activities that my child finds interesting and enjoyable.
The lowest levels of satisfaction were in relation to being kept informed about how their children were progressing (11% of respondents disagreed, strongly disagreed or said they did not know), and the school providing appropriate homework (15% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed).
All respondents agreed or strongly agreed that:
their child likes attending nursery
their children feel safe in nursery
teaching is good
the school is led and managed well
staff treat their children fairly
the school seeks the views of parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns
staff explain how parents/carers can help their children at home
there is a good range of activities that their children find interesting and enjoyable
they were kept well informed about what events and activities are happening at school.
All respondents said they would recommend the school/nursery to other parents.